Source code for spotmicro.heightfield

  title={Pybullet, a python module for physics simulation in robotics, games and machine learning},
  author={Coumans, Erwin and Bai, Yunfei},


import pybullet as p
import pybullet_data as pd
import math
import time

textureId = -1

useProgrammatic = 0
useTerrainFromPNG = 1
useDeepLocoCSV = 2
updateHeightfield = False

heightfieldSource = useProgrammatic
numHeightfieldRows = 256
numHeightfieldColumns = 256
import random

[docs]class HeightField(): def __init__(self): self.hf_id = 0 self.terrainShape = 0 self.heightfieldData = [0] * numHeightfieldRows * numHeightfieldColumns def _generate_field(self, env, heightPerturbationRange=0.08): env.pybullet_client.setAdditionalSearchPath(pd.getDataPath()) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0) heightPerturbationRange = heightPerturbationRange if heightfieldSource == useProgrammatic: for j in range(int(numHeightfieldColumns / 2)): for i in range(int(numHeightfieldRows / 2)): height = random.uniform(0, heightPerturbationRange) self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.07, .07, 1.6], heightfieldTextureScaling=(numHeightfieldRows - 1) / 2, heightfieldData=self.heightfieldData, numHeightfieldRows=numHeightfieldRows, numHeightfieldColumns=numHeightfieldColumns) terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0.0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) env.pybullet_client.changeDynamics(terrain, -1, lateralFriction=1.0) if heightfieldSource == useDeepLocoCSV: terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.5, .5, 2.5], fileName="heightmaps/ground0.txt", heightfieldTextureScaling=128) terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) env.pybullet_client.changeDynamics(terrain, -1, lateralFriction=1.0) if heightfieldSource == useTerrainFromPNG: terrainShape = env.pybullet_client.createCollisionShape( shapeType=env.pybullet_client.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, meshScale=[.05, .05, 1.8], fileName="heightmaps/wm_height_out.png") textureId = env.pybullet_client.loadTexture( "heightmaps/gimp_overlay_out.png") terrain = env.pybullet_client.createMultiBody(0, terrainShape) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, textureUniqueId=textureId) env.pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( terrain, [0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0, 0, 1]) env.pybullet_client.changeDynamics(terrain, -1, lateralFriction=1.0) self.hf_id = terrainShape self.terrainShape = terrainShape print("TERRAIN SHAPE: {}".format(terrainShape)) env.pybullet_client.changeVisualShape(terrain, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 1]) env.pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer( env.pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1)
[docs] def UpdateHeightField(self, heightPerturbationRange=0.08): if heightfieldSource == useProgrammatic: for j in range(int(numHeightfieldColumns / 2)): for i in range(int(numHeightfieldRows / 2)): height = random.uniform( 0, heightPerturbationRange) # +math.sin(time.time()) self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + 2 * j * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height self.heightfieldData[2 * i + 1 + (2 * j + 1) * numHeightfieldRows] = height #GEOM_CONCAVE_INTERNAL_EDGE may help avoid getting stuck at an internal (shared) edge of the triangle/heightfield. #GEOM_CONCAVE_INTERNAL_EDGE is a bit slower to build though. #flags = p.GEOM_CONCAVE_INTERNAL_EDGE flags = 0 self.terrainShape = p.createCollisionShape( shapeType=p.GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD, flags=flags, meshScale=[.05, .05, 1], heightfieldTextureScaling=(numHeightfieldRows - 1) / 2, heightfieldData=self.heightfieldData, numHeightfieldRows=numHeightfieldRows, numHeightfieldColumns=numHeightfieldColumns, replaceHeightfieldIndex=self.terrainShape)